Large bag of polished shells



Our large bags of polished shells weigh approximately 700 grammes and contain about twenty different and interesting varieties of shell.


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Our large bag of polished shells comes with bigger shells than the smaller 350 grammes unpolished shell bags also featured on this site.  They weigh approximately 700 grammes and contain about twenty different and interesting varieties of shell which are of a size that we could sell individually in the shop. They will include polished trochas, scallops, snails, murexes and cowries and represent great value showing lots of colours. A couple of shell bags will create a great shell display or theme for the home. A good way to buy an interesting variety of attractive shells. We have a picture here of the shells inside and outside the bag provided. There are about 20 shells in each bag measuring on average 7cms and most of them are polished having been sourced in the Philippine Islands.