Unless you live in Manchester, London, Birmingham or anywhere 50 plus miles from the coast we’re sure there is a school of thought along the lines of, why not head off to the beach and harvest some beach mix yourself? The trouble is, you’d have to go as far as the Philippines for beach mix of this quality. The seashells range from approx 1 centimetre to 5 centimetres in length, with the average being about 2 cms, and we insist on interesting shells such as trochas, cowries and shallow water cockles or mussels which make for a colourful display. These seashells are perfect for scattering, craft work, themed events and many other uses. 200 grammes would be approximately 50 shells, 500 grammes approximately 125 and as always, if you require these in large quantities please email us for an unbeatable wholesale price.